Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Power of Visualization

I can't think of a better example of how visualization will help you manifest your desires than that of Julia. Julia is a law of attraction contemporary and she has the most remarkable story of how she used visualization techniques to manifest her goals.

Julia had always wanted to live on a boat. She found a picture of a blond woman in a red coat holding two bottles of champagne in front of a boat. Julia always kept that picture in her mind's eye.

After a year of using law of attraction, Julia became that woman in the picture and bought her own boat. The irony is that Julia is blonde and happened to be wearing that red coat on her boat when her boyfriend made the connection between between the picture and Julia. Absolutely amazing. What's more amazing is that, as Vanessa noted at our April first Friday meet-up, that there's something very powerful in being able to mainfest a boat! in less than one year. Brava Julia!

I think everyone should find pictures or drawings of what they desire and post them on a "vision board", maybe near your kitchen so you constantly see it or near your desk if you happen to be in front of a computer. Just like a gratitude journal, a vision board is another tool to help manifest your desires and elevate your emotion.

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