Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why They Don't Teach Law of Attraction in Law School

I think that a lot of people wonder why law of attraction did not go mainstream until Oprah endorsed The Secret. Esther Hicks has been teaching the notions of Abraham for over 20 years, yet it took a *huge* celebrity endorsement for the concepts to go mainstream...and I think I know why.

In this country, we care more about one's actions than one's thoughts. "He's a do gooder", "you gotta do what's right for yourself", "actions speak louder than words", and so on. But we know in law of attraction that this is false. Actions are a result of *thinking*. We clearly have a chicken and egg situation!

The best example I can give of the fallicy is for you to step inside any first year law student criminal law course. One of the first concepts you learn is to distinguish the mens rea from the actus reus - the former being Latin for "guilty mind," whereas the latter is Latin for the "guilty act." In America, you are not punished for your thoughts alone. We punish because there has been an actus reus. A person who is thinking about murder is not punished for that thought in and of itself. It takes the act of murder for the crime to actually manifest.

But law of attraction is exactly the opposite! In law of attraction, your mens rea is everything! Without the mens, there is no actus. So the best you can do is to be aware of your mens and make it work for you. The actus will naturally follow.

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